Korean Red Ginseng HWAL-GI EXTRACT 400g Health Foods Supplements Gifts immune-boosting prevents diabetes aging blood circulation
Korean Red Ginseng Extract 400g (14.1 oz)
The ingredients of Red ginseng is health giving improves blood circulation, prevents diabetes and aging, helps immune-boosting and etc. As these efficacies and the ingredients are proved by modem medical science os popular as health food around the world.
Name of Product : Korean Red Ginseng HWAL-GI Extract
Food Form : Liquid extracted TeaNet Weight : 400g x 1 Bottle = 400g (14.1 oz) How to eat : 1 day 2 times per 2~3 spoon with warm water.Storage : Refrigerate after opening should be.
Ingredient : Korean Red Ginseng Concentrate (Red ginseng ingredient 23.4mg/g, Solid Contents 20% over) 30%, [- Mix Ratio of Red Ginseng : Red Ginseng root (korea) 70%, Red Ginseng root Tail (korea 30%], Fructose, Honey, Purified Water, – Plant mixed Concentrate [Solid Contents 60% over, kudzu root, mulberry leaves, dong quai, cnidium, milk vetch root, Baekbokryeong, Peony root, Atractylodes japonica KOIDZ, Ganoderma lucidum, Omija, Broadleaf Liriope, Lycium, acanthopanax ]
Warnings : Please check with your doctor prior to use if you have any allergies or specific dietary requirements. Please check with your doctor prior to use if you take medicine (diabetes drugs, hemorrhagic anticoagulant, etc.).
Manufacturer : Dong-Jin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Production : Made in Korea
The efficacy of Red ginseng
Korean Red Ginseng is not a drug, it is considered to be a vitamin mineral rich food. This conventional food can benefit men, women, the ill and the healthy. Red Ginseng is know scientifically, as a Panax Ginseng. The term Panax is derived from the Greek word panacea, which means ‘all healing’. This medicinal herb contains a nutrient rich blend of vitamins, 42 natural minerals, amino acids, essential oils and enzymes.
Red Ginseng can help the body restore vitality, alleviates stress and tiredness, increase blood circulation, concentration and enhances brain function. It helps boosts the immune system, detoxifies the body’s organs, protects the liver and can detoxifies the effects of alcohol.
It helps combat ageing due to its antioxidants and it can beneficial for those recovering from illness, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and those suffering from diabetes. Recognizing its healthy properties, everyone in Korea literally consumes this herb for one reason or another.
About Saponin(Ginsenoside)
Ginsenoside – the Major Active Healthy Component of Korean Red Ginseng. The scientific name for Korean ginseng is Panax Ginseng C A Meyer. The word “Panax” is derived from a Greek phrase meaning “cure all”.Modern science has revealed that Korean ginseng contains a variety of Saponin called ginsenosides, a key component of red ginseng that is not found in any other plant. Until now, 37 Ginsenoside have been discovered and among them, Rg1 and Rb1 is known as key component for immunity, stamina and memory improvement. Recently as many researches about Rg3 have been done, they found out Rg3 is most efficient for immunity stimulation. And Korean Food Law have been revised to notice Rg3 as well as Rg1 and Rb1 to customer.