MYNI Diet Gummy Slim 36g Lose Weight Food Diet Supplements Body Fat
This is new concept health food Jelly.
Ildong pharmacy is one of biggest Korea pharmacy company. This new concept Jelly is for Kids and adult.
Slim diet jelly that you manage while eating deliciously.
The main ingredient is Garcinia cambogia extract, which is effective for diet.
It is effective in reducing body fat in people with a carbohydrate-oriented diet.
People who want to lose body fat.
A person who wants to succeed in diet.
People who eat carbohydrate-based diets.
People who want to go on a diet that doesn’t starve.
A person who is thin but has a lot of body fat.
People who want to eat snacks but are worried about gaining weight.
Now blow away your worries with the MyNi slim diet gummy!
Capacity: 3g X 12 tablets = 36g.
How to use: 2 times a day, take 3tablets.