NATURAL PLUS Stomach Health Helicobacter Care 550 mg x 60 tablets
Gastrointestinal Helicobacter Care is a premium health functional food containing licorice extract that can help the stomach’s health. I recommend it to those who enjoy irregular eating habits and stimulating food.
There are about 20 species of licorice worldwide and have long been widely used, and the Spanish licorice’s scientific name Glycyrrhiza comes from the sweet taste of roots, a combination of the Greek word glykys, meaning “sweet.” Licorice roots are used, and licorice extracts have simultaneous protection of the gastric mucosa and inhibition of helicobacter pylori proliferation.
Capacity: 550 mg x 60 tablets(33g).
Main ingredients: licorice extract, maltodextrin, lactose mixed powder, whey calcium,
How to Drink: Drink two tablets once a day with water.